Deficiency Pro - Nutrient Deficiency

Plant nutrient deficiencies

Crop nutrient deficiency symptoms are different between crop types. However, some similarities do exist, mainly for impact presented following the deficiencies on tissue colors and the overall appearance of the crop. In most cases the nutrient deficiencies' visual symptoms are not so clear and may be confused with other growth and development problems of the crop, such as diseases, pests and the physical conditions at the growing environment. 
Become a crop production expert. Our plant nutrient deficiency image library may assist you to be more familiar with typical nutrient deficiencies and the ways to overcome them. Figure out the exact nutrient needed for your plant, and learn about the most suitable Haifa fertilizer to achieve optimal plant nutrition.
Search the image library by selecting a specific crop, or by browsing through the deficiencies, categorized by

By Crops

Search through the various crops, and use the photos to figure out what deficiencies your crop suffers from

By Nutrients

The division to nutrients demonstrates the results of specific nutrient deficiencies in a wide variety of crops