Mr. Nico Wasserfall from South Africa is the lucky 1000th community member to receive the special gift of a digital camera


Mr. Wasserfall visited the Haifa South Africa office, and received the gift from the office manager, Mr. Dawie Fourie, after being introduced to Haifa's product lines


Mr. Wasserfall is currently a final year M.Sc Agric (Soil Science) student at the University of Stellenbosch. His field of interest in the agricultural sector is precision farming and hydrology.


Haifa's knowledge community is an online social network that connects growers and agriculture experts from around the world.


Community members can write posts and share their knowledge or ask questions and get advice from fellow growers and Haifa experts. Also, community members can comment on other members' posts, thus sharing their own experience.

In the photo: Dawie Fourie (on the left) hands the camera to Nico Wasserfall